2019 SuperConference Presentations

Banking Accounting & Audit Update - Brett Schwantes, Wipfli LLP
Members Only

This session reviews key accounting and auditing standards finalized since last year’s conference and discusses FASB projects that may affect the financial institution industry.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:54 PM  /  Views: 116

Best Practice… Bank CEO’s Perspective - Joe Brannen, Brian Schmitt, Mike Washburn, & David Wood
Members Only

Joe, Brian, Mike, and David share their cumulative 100+ years of experience in banking with the Banking CPAs group. This discussion focuses on how practicing CPAs can better serve their clients as they hear from these leaders in the industry. Bring your questions as this session will be interactive.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:51 PM  /  Views: 108

Bring Your Audit Practice into the Future - Steven Menges & Matt West, CPA.com
Members Only

As emerging technology continues to impact audit engagements, firms are responding by leveraging these tools to automate, gain more visibility into data and add higher value to this core service across the profession. New solutions are being developed to include data analytics and artificial intelligence (OnPoint PCR, Dynamic Audit Solution) to open the door for firms of all sizes to enhance their value and processes around assurance services.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:40 PM  /  Views: 95

CECL Implementation: Moving Forward - Christopher Cryderman, FASB
Members Only

Since the FASB issued its credit losses standard in 2016, the Current Expected Credit Losses model—also known as “CECL”—has been the focus of preparers and practitioners from firms of all sizes. But how will it impact you? In this session, the FASB staff will discuss an overview of CECL and explain what you can do to prepare for a successful implementation. The session will conclude with an outline of available FASB implementation resources and how you can get your questions answered.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:32 PM  /  Views: 115

Community Banking Tax Update - John Cederberg, John Cederberg CPA
Members Only

It has been only 17 months since the President signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The IRS has worked hard to issue guidance under the new law, but we are still working with a mix of proposed and final regulations, revenue procedures, and notices or announcements. Some issues have not been addressed yet. John will discuss the implications of the Act on the tax management of community banks, on whether to make, retain, or revoke the S election, and on changes of control. He will also alert the members to the most frequent questions that he has fielded in his consulting practice. Finally, as always, we expect a robust exchange of questions and ideas among the group.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:46 PM  /  Views: 117

Merger & Acquisition Trends in the Banking Community - Chris Marinac, FIG Partners
Members Only

Valuations for community banks are evolving in the current economic and political environment. With changes to the tax code, increases to interest rates, and pressures to transaction, community banks face a complicated set of circumstances. With this background, we will provide an overview of the current M&A market for community banks. Specifically, we will explore how bank buyers are currently pricing acquisitions and how to position for higher valuation premiums.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:48 PM  /  Views: 104

Regulatory Compliance Update For Financial Institutions - Brad Stumpe
Members Only

This session will cover recent compliance developments with a focus on HMDA, BSA, and Flood Insurance. As well as a discussion on recent enforcement actions covering fair lending, UDAAP, BSA and more.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 1:43 PM  /  Views: 112

Banking CPAs is a subsidiary of The Rainmaker Alliances, a service line of The Rainmaker Companies